Several years later, the track was used in a Burger King TV ad in an attempt to attract the Gen-X market.
In 1989, Modern English slightly revamped the song and re-released it, but it again failed to crack the Top 40. (It was used in the mid-movie montage as well as over the end credits.) The song’s strummy up-tempo beat, vocalist Robbie Grey’s English drawl, and the ultimately positive, us-against-the world chorus made the tune a hit in dance clubs and on pop radio.

in the spring and summer of 1983 - thanks, in part, to being the love theme of the cult hit Valley Girl. in 1982, the song was a minor hit in the U.S.

Michaela from Usa, NyThis song is so sweet and smooth, love it! -_.Robert from Zanesville, Ohloved it down to the last hum!.Mike from Matawan, NjCan't help but like this song.A cover fo it was also featured in a recent Hershey's commercial. Along with "Rock This Town" by Stray Cats, "Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol, and "What I Like About You" by The Romantics. Larry from Wayne, PaThis song was played at pretty much every party when I was in college.Oh and I think it was vh1, some channel anyway, put this in the top 100 one-hit-wonders of the eighties, along with Our house by madness, that one song by don johnson, dear god by xtc, and several other 80s songs that REFUSE TO DIE. But then they got the money and quickly forgot about the conflict. Adam from York, PaAt the time of the burger king commercials, there was a conflict of interest, because one of the members of the band, I think it was the lead drummer, was a vegan.Kenny from Princeton, NjCould never understand why this wasn't a MUCH bigger hit.I want to be with you when our world melts. Habner from FlyovercountryTrue: we had this song in our wedding.He will call me if he hears it on the radio. Carolyn from Rochester, NyThis is my husband and my song.We have already figuratively melted into each other! Can't think of a better way to end my life than making love to him and melting into each other, literally. I Melt With You I Melt With You - Rerecorded - Modern English. Julie Burns from MoThis song reminds me of someone I will always love. TikTok video from Kelseidoscope (kelseidoscopeofficial): 'I'll stop the world and melt with you imeltwithyou coversforlovers illstoptheworldandmeltwithyou craftingtok valentinesdaymusic'.The HECK you say, Chet! How were you able to discover this? Justin Time from Grand Haven, MiChet from Buffalo, Ny shares: "The actual title of this song is 'I Melt With You'.".